About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen
  • QB

    The QB robot can fill in for you as your avatar at social gatherings. This telepresence robot roams around and interacts with people. It runs for 6 hours and can charge itself when it senses the battery is low. Captured video is delivered to a Mac-based…

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  • DelFFi

    Within the Delfi program, DelFFi is the third satellite project. The project aims at utilizing innovative concepts, reliable methodologies and modern technologies to support the QB50 mission, which is a unique mission based on a global network of fifty…

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  • Another Robot Bound To Run

    MIT Biomimetic Robotics Laboratory researchers have developed a special computer process for bounding, which enables the Cheetah v. 2 to run faster and untethered

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  • Q.bo

    Developed by TheCorpora, the Q.bo Lite Evo is an open source robotics platform with very low power consumption and high performance. Face recognition and tracking, speech recognition and 3D Slam are among the many features of the robot.

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  • Q.bo

    Developed by the Spanish company theCorpora, the Q.bo Pro Evo is a programmable mobile robot which is fully assembled and designed for people wishing to skip the assembling steps and choose the components.

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