About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen
  • ITER Remote Handling

    The Dutch Robotics experiment ITER has the challenge of finding a way to execute maintenance for a nuclear fusion reactor by remote handling. The goal is to have a simulation environment that provides realistic force feedback to the users of a virtual…

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  • RoboBusiness Europe 2015

    RoboBusiness Europe is a unique and most important event specifically directed at the EU robotics marketplace covering all the most vibrant sectors of the robotics industry.

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  • FOM (Fundamenteel Onderzoek der Materie)

    The FOM (Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter) promotes fundamental research in the field of physics. The goal of the foundation is to improve knowledge between different institutions, create a national network, and participate in international…

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  • Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group (NRG)

    The Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group (NRG) is the nuclear service provider in the Netherlands, providing nuclear services for energy, environment and health. With the continuous development in nuclear medicine, NRG and its partners are always in…

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  • Oxford Technologies

    Oxford Technologies Ltd was founded in 2000 and aims at developing expertise and technologies for the implementation of cost-effective and fit-for purpose solutions for remote handling applications.

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  • Dexter

    Project Dexter tries to find a solution to the problems that face a fusion reactor that contains highly radiant and toxic materials and needs to be cleaned from within. The aim of project Dexter is to develop that next generation remote handling that…

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  • Virtual Slave

    Virtual Slave software is a Dutch Robotics software project for helping a controller check for possible difficulties before actually creating a robotic arm. The hardware can be linked to simulation software, and virtual tasks can be attempted with a lifelike…

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