About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen
  • FOM (Fundamenteel Onderzoek der Materie)

    The FOM (Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter) promotes fundamental research in the field of physics. The goal of the foundation is to improve knowledge between different institutions, create a national network, and participate in international…

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  • Hemolab

    Hemolab is the former name of LifeTec Group that specializes in the field of biomedical R&D. The company performs tests and studies to develop innovative healthcare products. LifeTec Group is also part of the PITON project, which aims at creating the…

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  • Robotics & Intelligent Machines Lab.

    The Robotics and Intelligent Machines Lab at UC Berkeley is a leading academic lab in the field of medical robotics. One of its biggest projects is Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS). Lab researchers have created a way for an operation to be performed with…

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    The PITON is the first steerable MRI compatible robotics instrument. This Dutch robotics project is a needle that is equipped with sensors that will pick up signals for the surrounding tissue. This will enable the robot to find the best way to administer…

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