About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen
  • Dr. Leo Kannerhuis

    The Dr. Leo Kanner house is a foundation and a highly specialized facility registered as a public benefit organization. It aims at developing, offering and transferring the best treatment for ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) patients.

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  • M2Control

    M2Control optimizes control systems for new and existing machines. It uses different software platforms and embedded systems to make minimal adaption and maximum enhancement.

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  • WikiTherapist

    The Dutch robotics WikiTherapist project intends to develop software for therapists to develop and run their own easy-to-use programs for their patients. The therapist simply indicates what he/she hopes to achieve and the software does the rest.

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  • GeNUS

    GENUS is a two-legged humanoid robot. Well-packaged and compact, it is more flexible than the MANUS robot and can play soccer and pick up objects. GENUS also has a WIFi module.

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