About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen
  • Zero Robotics Tournament 2014

    Finalists in Zero Robotics tournament will compete at the International Space Station using SPHERES robots to navigate the International Space Station and avoid obstacles, as well as complete a specific mission that changes every year. Zero Robotics Tournament…

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  • Space Games: Zero Robotics Tournament

    If you like Space Games, get ready for the Annual Zero Robotics tournament. Finalists in this Zero Robotics tournament will compete at the International Space Station using Spheres robots to avoid obstacles, as well as complete a space mission.

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  • Zero Robotics

    Zero Robotics is a project that organizes an annual robotics programming competition held live aboard the International Space Station. To win, competitors program a SPHERES robot to navigate a microgravity environment while avoiding obstacles, as well…

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    SPHERES are spherical satellites that are used inside the international space station to test instructions for spacecraft performing autonomous rendezvous and docking maneuvers. In addition, the SPHERES robots are used by high school students in the annual…

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