About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen
  • Zhejiang U.

    One of China’s premiere universities, Zhejiang University was once nicknamed “the Oriental Cambridge.” To address the growing demand for robotics, it established the Institute of Cyber-systems and Control. So far 863 humanoid robots and systems have been…

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  • Zhejiang Humanoids Kong & Wu

    Kong and Wu are two advanced ping-pong playing robots developed at Zhejiang University. They are made with high-strength, lightweight materials and have 30 degrees of freedom. Their reaction time is between 0.05 and 0.01 seconds with an accuracy of 2.5…

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  • China Unicom Waiter

    A Chinese company, China Unicom, has designed a robot they call Waiter. It is a service robot that can respond to simple commands, such as; "hello", "hi", and "dance". Waiter can be manipulated through an iPad and can recognize basic human gestures. Instead…

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  • Hai Bao

    Hai Bao robot is a service robot capable of conversing in 6 different dialects. It was created to greet visitors at the Shanghai World Expo 2010; shaking hands, talking, and taking pictures with them. Thirty-seven of these smart robots were used at the…

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