About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen
  • Sweepy Free

    Sweepy Free is an automated electric pool cleaner by Zodiac PoolCare. Its steering system and navigation technology allows it to clean pools of many shapes and sizes.

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  • Verro

    Verro 100 is an automated pool cleaning robot developed by iRobot. It is easy-to-use and even cleans cracks and pores in a pool. Verro 100's cleaning method allows it to clean from pool floor to waterline for 60 to 90 minutes. It circulates the water…

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  • Verro

    Verro 300 is an autonomous pool cleaning robot. The successor to Verro 100, it can hold more water (up to 80 gallons) and uses hydro jet technology. Verro 100 eliminates algae, bacteria, and other tiny particles as small as two microns, or about 20 times…

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