Delivery Robot was developed by Panasonic as a healthcare robot. It can navigate through hospitals dispersing medication as needed. Only 1 out of 50,000 ampules were broken by this amazing robot during tests. Delivery Robot has integrated sensors that…
Sanyo developed a wheel-driven delivery robot called FlatThru. It can carry liquids, has ultramodern sensors for stability, and is able to recognize human faces and voices.
The Fujitsu Office Delivery Robot can deliver necessary documents and hefty materials on time with 99% efficiency. It is also equipped with a high-resolution touch screen that enables advanced communication on the office floor. Its navigation is accurate…
MKR-3 is a Japanese robot used for delivery of medications in hospitals. It can push a 33 kg trolley for up to an hour before automatically docking itself to recharge.
RoboBusiness is the world's most influential event devoted to business transformation through robotics innovation. Presented by Robotics Business Review, the 2015 conference theme is Robotics in the Corporate Spotlight
BAAT Medical specializes in developing robotic products for orthopedics. It produces Knee Orthosis Joint that replaces the conventional brace, and VirtuRob for rehabilitation purposes.
HMPS is an Australian company that specialises in the design, development and manufacturing of high quality machinery for packaging processes.
The Shiga University of Medical Science Hospital has departments in nearly every medical field available. The school has expanded its offerings to include work in the robotics field, to help equip students with advanced technology. Researchers helped…
Robot Needle Steering has the potential to increase needle control and decrease the likelihood of invasive wounds. Recent studies on robot guided needles show there are large advantages to be gained; however, there are also problems that must be worked…
Resembling a mobile cabinet, Panasonic’s HOSPI robot uses ultrasonic sensors to navigate through hospitals and deliver medicines with an industry-low breakage rate.