Precitec is a German company that specializes in laser material processing and optical measurement technology. In addition to providing products for the automotive and supplier industry, Precitec is involved in a European robotics project that aims at…
14-15 October 2016 in Hamburg, Germany will host the first Specialized Exhibition and Conference Age of Drones. The show will gather worldwide companies from the entire Drones supply chain with
Automatica 2018 features the world's largest range of robotics, assembly solutions, machine vision systems and components. Automatica 2018 Robotics Exhibition will be held June 19-22, 2018 in the Messe Munich, Germany
Eurobot is an international event open to international amateur robotic enthusiasts. It aims to organize robotic enthusiasts to showcase their own autonomous robots and compete with each other. The finals of Eurobot will be held from June 6 to 8 in Dresden,…
Hannover Messe is the worlds leading event for the technology industry worldwide and is held from april 7th till 11th. This year they choose The Netherlands to share the venue since it is one of Germany’s major trading partners. One of the features of…
We cordially invite you to the Manufacturing Summit: Robotics, Automation, Development that will take place on 10-11 December 2015 in Berlin, Germany. This summit will provide a platform for the key
During the 1st demonstration of the Robo-Mate exoskeleton at Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering (IAO) in Stuttgart, questions will be answered about its usefulness on Friday, 12 June 2015 from 9:00 to 15:30.
Innorobo, Europe’s leading event dedicated entirely to the robotics sector and its innovations, is now opening its doors in Berlin. It will take place September 4th to 7th in Berlin, Germany,
Techfest 2014 is Asia’s largest science and technology festival organized by students of the Indian Institute of Technology in Bombay (IIT Bombay). These Techfest festivals have been held yearly for the last 16 years and aim to provide a platform for…
Micro aerial vehicles (MAV) such as multicopters have become a popular research tool in recent years and are used in an increasing number of application domains, e.g., aerial
CoR-Lab, part of Bielefeld University, was created to meet the challenges in the world of robotics. The lab plans to support the local medium-sized economy and strengthen the university in its main focus, “Intelligent Systems.” The anthropomorphic robot…
Delta Line SA are a pan European (Italy,France, UK,Norway,Sweden,Finland,Germany), manufacturer and supplier of motion solutions sub 800w,. technologies include:Portescap- DC / BLDC Motors / Fulling-
With approximately 7400 employees, DLR is the Aerospace Research Center of the Federal Republic of Germany that focuses on the research and development in the fields of aeronautics and space, energy, transport and security.
RESY is a prominent robotics lab in Germany, where researchers study ways to prevent harm to humans and robots coexisting in dangerous environments. Using lectures, tutorials, internships and various projects, RESY helps to advance the development of…
The European Space Agency (ESA) is an intergovernmental agency composed of 20 European countries dedicated to the exploration of space. ESA projects include human spaceflight, unmanned exploration missions to the moon and other planets, designing launch…
Being one of the leading research institutions in the world, Germany’s Freie University Berlin is internationally known for its research in the field of humanities, social sciences, and natural and life sciences.
Irmato Jentjens was formed after Irmato Group bought Jentjens Machinetechniek. It develops solutions that reduce production costs and manual labor, and increase production, quality and safety.
Austria's JKU Linz offers students 110 educational institutes, including the Institute for Robotics (ROBIN). This Institute is dedicated to looking at a better technology and robotics platform that can be beneficial not only for the school but also for…
One of Germany’s largest and most prestigious research and education institutions, KIT is home to the Robotics Research Group. The group focuses on autonomous robots and industrial automation. They have developed several robots through the CoMiRo-Collective,…
Situated close to Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany, the Maastricht University (UM) is an internationally-oriented university with its main focus on innovation. The university aims at providing a stimulating environment where talent can flourish.
Rhino: Intelligent Autonomous Systems is in the computer science department at the University of Bonn. Here, the group studies the design of intelligent robotic and software agents, with the goal of improving the next generation of these agents. Among…
Rising Media is a global events and media producer excelling in Internet and technology-related events and content. Events include Inside 3D Printing, RoboUniverse, Virtual Reality Summit, Data
At the RRL at the University of Kaiserslautern, the lab focuses on the realization of complex autonomous robotic systems. Current projects include a robotic head to help the lab study the interaction between human and machine. Notable past projects include…
SPbSPU is Russia’s major technical university located in St. Petersburg. It is also the country's top research facility and the leading educational institution in the fields of industrial engineering, aerospace engineering and several other disciplines.…
The State Research Center of Russia is one of the largest research centers in the country. This unique test lab is quickly becoming one of the major development institutes in mobile robotic systems for special apps. It successfully managed to complete…
Germany’s Technical University Munich is one of the country’s top research universities and a member of the TU9 technology society. The school’s Robotics and Embedded Systems conducts ongoing research on the education of machines used for perception,…
The University of Bremen is one of the most elite universities in Germany. The university has several research institutions, facilities, and centers for research on robot technology like the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) which…
The University of Jena is one of Germany’s premiere public research universities. The university actively participates in robotics at the Jena Locomotion Laboratory in which students and researchers are taught to develop robotic locomotion and movements.…
ABB has unveiled the world’s first truly collaborative robot: YuMi®, an Innovative and human-friendly, dual-arm robot with breakthrough functionality that unlocks vast global additional automation potential in the robotics industry.
On November 24 - 30, the 4th edition of the European Robotics Week will take place in a range of locations throughout Europe featuring a variety of robotics-related activities for the general public.
Rising Media’s RoboUniverse Conference & Expo Returns to New York City for its Second Edition; Reveals Tracks and Program Details; April 11-12, 2016 at the Javits Convention Center
3DR Holdings, LLC and Rising Media, Inc. to Host Singapore’s Premier 3D Printing and Robotics Event; January 26-27, 2016 at Suntec Singapore Convention & Exhibition Centre
SmartBot is an innovative robotics project involving Germany and the Netherlands to create a global knowledge hot spot for robotic sensing and doing business.
Researchers have been working on a social robot that collaborates with caretakers and relatives to support elderly to maintain an independent life.
ACCOMPANY is a robotics project set to develop the Care-O-bot 3 into a caring and emotionally stimulating social robot for the elderly.
AgroBot is a sub-project of the SmartBot initiative dedicated to the development of basic technologies for constructing multiple agriculture robotic prototypes with different applications.
RoboEarth is a project involving European universities and companies like TU Eindhoven and Phillips. The goal is to pave the way for rapid advances in machine cognition and behavior, by developing a world wide web for robots so they can share and learn…
RoboShip is a sub-project of the SmartBot initiative dedicated to exploring the use of intelligent industrial robots in the shipping industry.
SInbot is a sub-project of the SmartBot initiative dedicated to exploring the use of intelligent industrial robots in production. Multiple-sensor robots introduce an autonomous function that makes their use more practical and cost effective for smaller…
SmartBot is an innovative cross-border robotics project involving collaborating partners from Germany and The Netherlands, creating a global knowledge hot spot in the field of robotic sensing.
SUNRISE is a robotics project involving the research and development of acoustic based networks to support sub-surface communications and develop autonomous aquatic Swarm robots that can interact and cooperate.
Zero Robotics is a project that organizes an annual robotics programming competition held live aboard the International Space Station. To win, competitors program a SPHERES robot to navigate a microgravity environment while avoiding obstacles, as well…
ARAMIES, in development since 2004 at the University of Bremen, is a Mars explorer that uses four legs and PCR-based software for improved locomotion over wheeled robots.
ARMAR III is a humanoid robot developed by Karlsruhe University. It has size and proportion similar to that of a human, and can deal with household objects and general environment.
BARTHOC is a robot that learns through communicating with humans. Its functions are not preprogrammed; it picks up and executes instructions through robot-human interaction.
Centaurob I is a bipedal walking robot. It utilizes two Steward Platforms, resulting in precise, dynamic motions. Its universal joints and stepper motors help it to move efficiently.
The Crab is a robot animal almost a meter in diameter. It features 2 parallax servo controllers, 25 articulations, and pincers and locomotive parts of high-grade steel.
Dara's primary function is to simulate human behavior with the idea of it being able to perform human tasks in the future. It has voice recognition and follows voice commands.
The watch company, Citizen, developed a miniature soccer playing robot called Eco-Be. This wheel driven robot is powered by a watch battery and can move in any direction.
Scale model humanoid robot Elvis stands just 70 centimeters tall. Fully autonomous, it can walk and navigate around. Elvis also has an onboard computer and power supply.
Bielefeld University of Germany developed a robotic head called FloBi. It can display a wide range of human emotions, can recognize faces and can take the shape of male or female face.
Cognitive Interaction Technology developed a hexapod walking robot called HECTOR. This insect robot has algorithm controlled elastic joint drives that imitate muscle movements.
Sega Toys created the iDog which is a canine robot and is primarily a musical companion for people. It accepts sounds, remembers songs, composes music and dances to rhythms.
Paul Kocyla created an artificial intelligence robot called KommuniKate. This robot can answer queries and questions from humans and also shows them relevant contextual information.
Robowatch created a security robot called MOSRO 1. It can guard large areas for a long time, and can be used as personal security, to protect from theft and crimes, and warn against fire and smoke.
Mr. SemProM is a 1.75m humanoid whose modifiable gripper-equipped arms and multiple cameras (including wrist cameras for fine manipulations) allow it to carry objects.
Myon was developed by the Neurbotics Research Laboratory. Its purpose is to study how robots can learn from humans. Myon has a touchscreen for easy data transmission.
DFKI Bremen created a four-legged galloping robot called the Pithekos. It is lightweight, fast, reliable and is able to take tight turns on different surfaces and terrains.