The Japanese company RayTron developed a household robot called Chapit. It can understand and respond to verbal commands, and can make facial expressions and gestures.
Shenyan Siasun Robot & Automation Co. Ltd. developed a household robot called Family Nanny Robot. It can detect fire and gas, can call owner, and can interact with humans.
The University of Florida’s MIL is home to the SubjuGator, an underwater unmanned vehicle and three-time AUVSI/ONR underwater contest champion. The lab’s primary focus is on such robotics issues as real-time computer vision, robotics kinematics and autonomous…
Toshiba developed the ApriAlpha as a life support partner for humans. It has CCD camera with face recognition, and has speech recognition, speech synthesizer and speech localization features.
The Butler Robot is a Chinese prototype from 2010. Designed as a kitchen/household helper, it remembers appliance locations and carries small items with claw-like hands.