In July, the Henn-na Hotel in the Huis Ten Bosch theme park in Japan will open with most of the staff being robots
The humanoid robot Actroid was created by Osaka University. It has silicone skin and resembles a young Japanese child. Actroid has speech recognition software and can talk, blink, and mimic other basic human functions. It was displayed at the 2003 International…
UCSD developed a baby humanoid robot called Diego-San. It was used to study how human babies interact with environment and acquire the ability to use nonverbal expressions.
Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro of ATR and Kokoro Co. Ltd. developed a realistic humanoid called Geminoid-DK. It has involuntary muscle movements and breathing activity like a human.
Hiroshi Ishiguro of ATR and Kokoro Co. Ltd. developed Geminoid-F which looks like a young human female. It copies the speech and facial expression of its human operator.
KoKoro Co. Ltd. developed a humanoid called I-Fairy which has a futuristic and sophisticated design. It is suited for places where regular update of information is needed.