Formerly known as the AASS Mobile Robotics Lab, Orebro University's mobile robotics lab is now named the Cognitive Robotic Systems Laboratory (CRSL) at AASS. Its mission is to perform basic and applied research of cognitive robotic systems and to address…
The Association for Advancing Automation (A3) is the umbrella organization for 3 robotics associations: the Robotic Industries Association (RIA), Motion Control Association (MCA) and Advancing Vision + Imaging (AIA). A3’s primary mission is to promote…
Blue Ocean Robotics is a company with the mission to bridge the academic-based Research & Development world and the business and market world by focussing on commercialising robotics Research & Development.
The Bristol robotics Laboratory is the largest academic center for multi-disciplinary robotics research in the UK. Their mission is to understand the engineering and social roles of robotics. They have accomplished many robotics projects, including the…
With a staff of 200 researchers, Cartif is a Spanish research center that has an aim to meet the needs of its customers through technological innovation. The mission of the company is to differentiate and have an optimistic look at the future.
The CDR is one of the leading robotic research labs in the United States. The chief objectives of this robotic lab are to design, build, and show distributed robotic systems. Among the robots that they have co-developed is the UMN Scout robot, designed…
The CRMS’ mission is to provide leading manufacturing research, engineering services, and skilled graduates that will help businesses be successful and competitive. Each year they offer services to more than 350 companies, businessmen, and agencies every…
SAIL is the AI research lab at Stanford University. Their mission is to change how we perceive we understand the world. The lab is in the Gates Computer Science Department and is home to over 100 people and more than 30 robots. They have contributed to…
The European Space Agency (ESA) is an intergovernmental agency composed of 20 European countries dedicated to the exploration of space. ESA projects include human spaceflight, unmanned exploration missions to the moon and other planets, designing launch…
HIT or Heemskerk Innovative Technology supplies advice and technical support for mechatronics projects for space missions, nuclear reactors, Oil & Gas and healthcare sectors.
Established in 1954, the Inha University is a private school in South Korea and has a mission to build students’ characters, search for the truth, as well as serve the nation in order to represent the university’s principles of diligence, creativity and…
The INIA is an institute of agricultural research that has a mission to generate and transfer knowledge and global technologies to produce innovations in the agricultural sector and improve the competitiveness of the sector.
Headquartered in Bedford, Mass, iRobot is a public corporation that aims at building and designing some of the most important robots in the world. The mission of the company is to change the world by delivering innovative robots that make a difference.
The Kitagawa-Tsukagoshi Lab at the Tokyo Institute of Technology focuses on the development of robots that can be utilized in dangerous environments for search and rescue missions. One of their current projects is a robot that can use a sensor that is…
Korea Tech has had a 100% graduate career placement for 13 straight years and is the number one university in the country. Their School of Mechanical Engineering established the KUT BioRobotics Laboratory. The lab’s mission is to create and develop science,…
Leveraging years of direct warehouse operations experience and deep firsthand knowledge of warehouse robotics, Locus Robotics Corporation has engineered a new approach to mission critical fulfillment
MARS is one of the leading UAV and UGV academic research facilities in the U.S. Its mission is to explore, research and bridge circuits, architecture, compiler, and software methods. They also focus on the multi-level learning in hybrid deliberative…
Robotiq’s mission is to free human hands from tedious tasks so companies and workers can focus where they truly create value.Our grippers and sensors enhance robot application flexibility&
The Technical University of Eindhoven (TUE) has a special research group within the mechanical engineering faculty. The group’s mission is to conduct research in the area of Dynamics and Control. It focuses on modeling, analyzing and controlling mechanical…
SSC Pacific is the United States’ Navy research, development, and fleet support center for command, manipulation and communication systems and ocean surveillance. It gives information resources to maintain the joint war fighter in carrying out missions…
Tegema is a company that innovates, realises and develops products, systems and processes, from ideas to prototypes, functional models or pre-production series. Moreover, the company can also look after assembly, production, test equipment, tooling and…
Being the cooperation between the three technological universities of the Netherlands; Delft, Eindhoven and Twente, 3TU aims at contributing to the wellbeing in the Netherlands by improving, bundling and maximizing the creativity and knowledge in the…
ABB Robotics, founded in 1883, is a world leader in industrial robots, modular manufacturing systems, and autonomous technology. The technologies that have been developed by ABB in their more than a century of operations have transformed entire industries,…
The VUB AI-Lab has worked with hundreds of researchers to study autonomous robots. It has a Robotics and Language Evolution Group that developed the core technologies FCG and Babel2. They are working on personalized products emerging from Tailored User…
The Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) is an organization devoted exclusively to advancing the unmanned systems and robotics community. Through communication, education, advocacy, awareness and leadership, the organization…
The ARRG at the University of Texas is dedicated to advancing intelligent machine technology and focuses on robotics. Their 16,000 square foot office/lab is home to three major types of research, including robotic manipulators and their software. NASA…
The ACFR in the University of Sydney is one of the world’s largest robotic research institutes. It is actively involved in R&D for field robotics principles and systems. It is home to several groups and labs involved in robotics, such as the Center for…
The ARRI of the University of Texas at Arlington aims to become the global leader of Micro engineering. Their research focuses in part on the fundamental issues in robotics and micro technology. They are collaborating with other engineering groups to…
The AUVSI Foundation focuses on the future of the robotics industry by developing programs that will attract and equip students for a career in this rapidly growing field. It hosts robotics competitions that challenge students to apply their skills in…
CoR-Lab, part of Bielefeld University, was created to meet the challenges in the world of robotics. The lab plans to support the local medium-sized economy and strengthen the university in its main focus, “Intelligent Systems.” The anthropomorphic robot…
Established in the year 2010. It’s has its bases in Nellikuppam and Bangalore. The motive of our firm is to make aware the society for the easy use of embedded technologies and its real-time &
Founded by William Chalmers, the Chalmers University of Technology aims at becoming the most attractive universities in the world through internationally acclaimed research and education together with a professional innovation procedure.
CMRE is an Italian research and experimentation facility, which conducts and organizes research & technology development. The organization aims at delivering field-tested and innovative Science & Technology solutions to address security and defense needs…
CRASAR serves as a research and crisis response organization that aims to take advantage of new technology development in unmanned systems and robotics for humanitarian purposes throughout the world.
Delft Biorobotics Laboratory aims at developing safe, efficient and novel robotic systems with biology related applications and/or biologically inspired designs, such as robotic arms that can be used for rehabilitation and bipedal walking machines.
With approximately 7400 employees, DLR is the Aerospace Research Center of the Federal Republic of Germany that focuses on the research and development in the fields of aeronautics and space, energy, transport and security.
The ESA Telerobotics & Haptics Laboratory aims at performing engineering developments, fundamental research, and project work in human-robot interfaces, telerobotics, and haptics together with academic institutions as well as industry.
The largest of ESA's research sites in Europe and abroad is the European Space Research and Technology Center (ESTEC) in Noordwijk, the Netherlands. Almost all equipment that ESA launches is tested to some extent at ESTEC. While ESTEC is used extensively…
FIRST was founded in 1989 by American inventor Dean Kamen and aims to design accessible, innovative programs that motivate young people to pursue education and career opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).
The FOM (Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter) promotes fundamental research in the field of physics. The goal of the foundation is to improve knowledge between different institutions, create a national network, and participate in international…
Being a knowledge institute, Fontys aims at offering quality education to students. The institute invests in challenging, intense, well-organized, and engaging education for students to discover their talents.
The HoTDeC facility provides hovercraft researchers an advanced testbed for experimentation with inter-networked vehicles. It was the first testbed to feature vehicles that were fully autonomous, inter-networked, and could be manipulated wirelessly. They…
Groundbreaking robotics research is a regular part of work at the INL. The lab has an ongoing project of developing robots that have the ability to initiate sharing between human and robot, allowing the system to cope with changes in resources. The lab…
From this modest start in 1950, IIT Kharagpur has been engaged in a steady process of development with about 18 academic departments, five centers of excellence. The vast tree-laden campus, spreading over 2100 acres has a self contained township of over…
The ISA System Engineering and Automation Department is home to many achievements in the field of robotics, including a wheelchair robot and a mobile robot that can deliver objects. The lab engages in a wide range of areas in robotic research, including…
Based in Bulgaria, KIBERTRON Ltd. is an innovation company that was registered on March 11th, 2004. The company aims at working for the success of the KIBERTRON Project. The Robotics project focuses on researching, designing and constructing an intelligent…
Moog is a company that is supplying motion control technology to improve performance in a wide variety of applications and markets, including commercial aircraft cockpits, the Formula One racing, medical infusion systems and power-generation turbines.
JPL, NASA’s lab for developing projects for space exploration, is a pioneer in robotics equipment suited for outer space. Along with the first U.S. satellite ever launched, the Explorer 1, JPL sent the first robotic craft to the moon and to the solar…
NASA was initially established for space science research and has always maintained a peaceful, civilian orientation rather than military. Accomplishments include the launch of the reusable space shuttle and collaborating with other nations to establish…
The P&I Lab in Japan is part of the Tokyo Institute of Technology's goal to use the latest technology developments, including robotics, to make important contributions in today’s society. The school strives to use a combination of various disciplines,…
Founded in 2008, Rethink Robotics, Inc. is a Boston based company that aims at creating robots that uses common sense to carry out a wide variety of tasks and significantly improve productivity.
The Laval University Robotics Laboratory pioneers research in the study of parallel mechanisms and articulated robotic hands. They have made numerous partnerships with other labs as well as government agencies, including the Canadian Space Agency. One…
The Sabanci University Robotics Research Laboratory Platform is part of the school's commitment to academic excellence and providing students with all the skills they need to succeed after graduation. The lab's recent work includes the SURALP humanoid…
Senshu University in Japan is one of the country’s most highly-developed academic institutions. The robotics lab in their Mechanical Engineering Department teaches students dynamics of machines and Mechatronics and Intelligent robotics among other subjects.…
The SSL at the University of Maryland was founded by MIT. The lab is home to a deep water tank that is the only one of its kind housed inside a university, and is utilized to simulate the microgravity environment of outer space. SSL focuses on space robotics…
Internationally known for offering unbiased and independent consultancy services, SpaceTec comprises of experienced technology and management consultants with extensive experience in space and its applications.
The SWIS Group is a leading robotics research group in Switzerland. They focus on reinforcing the flow of ideas about Swarm Intelligence and adding to the education of interdisciplinary engineers and computer scientists. One of their goals is to create…
Utsunomiya University’s Systems Dynamics Laboratory in Japan is actively involved in the research of autonomous systems like robots. Their work has been used by such companies as Toyota and Calsonic Kansei. Their robotics projects include work on equilibrium…
Sandia National Laboratories is home to the ISRC, is the leader in developing miniature and macro-sized teleoperated and autonomous vehicles. With more than 26 years of experience, the Center responds to the challenges impacting the country’s security…