About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen
  • RoboBusiness Europe 2015

    RoboBusiness Europe is a unique and most important event specifically directed at the EU robotics marketplace covering all the most vibrant sectors of the robotics industry.

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  • RoboBusiness Europe 2016

    RoboBusiness Europe is a unique and most important event specifically directed at the EU robotics marketplace covering all the most vibrant sectors of the robotics industry.

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  • Global Robot Expo 2017

    GLOBAL ROBOT EXPO is the definitive trade show to measure the current state of robotics and aims to provide a space where all stakeholders can showcase their technological achievements

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  • R3-COP

    The goal of the robotics project R3-Cop is to create lower cost, cutting edge autonomous robots that can work cooperatively by interconnecting multiple industries that at first glance have very little in common. It is supported by 11 European countries,…

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  • RoPE

    National University of Singapore developed a soccer playing robot called RoPE I. This bipedal robot can detect a ball, approach it, dribble it, carry the ball and make a goal.

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  • RoPE

    National University of Singapore developed a soccer playing robot called RoPE II. This autonomous bipedal humanoid can kick a ball and modify its motion depending on situations.

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  • RoPE

    National University of Singapore developed a humanoid called RoPE II. Made of aluminum and extra sensors, it can find its location and coordinates, and has a sense of direction.

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  • RoPE

    National University of Singapore developed a soccer playing robot called RoPE II. It has more advanced intelligence, a microcontroller, and can recognize, approach and kick a ball.

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