About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen


  • Status:
  • Unknown
  • Created by Aldebaran Robotics, Project ASK NAO or Autism Solution for Kids aims at customizing the humanoid robot, NAO, for helping teachers and instructors with in-class tasks while supporting autistic children. The inspiration came from the observation that many autistic children have an impulsive attraction toward technology, thus making NAO the bridge between technological advancements and the human social world.

    ASK NAO revolutionized the way people think about the use of technology in the treatment of autism. An important goal of NAO is shaping a new world of special education for supporting autistic children. And to achieve this goal, Aldebaran Robotics envisions a multi-sided community where therapists, developers, researchers, instructors, parents, and supporters along with the Aldebaran team could work together to open new doors of improvement for children with autism.

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