AgroBot is a sub-project of the SmartBot initiative dedicated to the development of basic technologies for constructing multiple agriculture robotic prototypes with different applications.
AIRobots is a new Dutch Robotics project aimed at developing robots that can perform as well in the air as they do on land. The robots are designed to be user friendly and the operator ideally receives visual and force feedback from the robot to control…
A Dutch robotics survey is trying to determine how willing elderly people are to have household help from robots. Decreasing funds and rising costs in healthcare could be offset by using patient care robots. This survey can be used in the future to develop…
Bobbie Robotics, inspired by recent Dutch Robotics developments, is working to set up a Dutch industry with the ability to develop care assistance robots. Rising health care costs and a shortage of skilled care could be offset with the design a robot…
Project CLET, a Dutch Robotics project, includes measuring plasma in the laser welding process. This measuring is performed through closed loop control. The goal is to develop a system that will operate in real industrial conditions. This will be accomplished…
A partnership between 10 different countries, CROPS is a robotics project based in the Netherlands. The goal is to create robots that can replace human labor in agriculture, reducing costs while increasing profits and crop production. It will enable…
Within the Delfi program, DelFFi is the third satellite project. The project aims at utilizing innovative concepts, reliable methodologies and modern technologies to support the QB50 mission, which is a unique mission based on a global network of fifty…
The Delft Arm and Hand Project aims at developing a three-fingered hand as well as a low-power and safe robotic arm. In addition the Delft Robotics Lab is working on a low-power robotic arm that will have four degrees of freedom.
Project Dexter tries to find a solution to the problems that face a fusion reactor that contains highly radiant and toxic materials and needs to be cleaned from within. The aim of project Dexter is to develop that next generation remote handling that…
Distributed estimation and control for robotic networks is a project that emphasizes on the development of methodology and algorithm for multi-agent control systems, such as high-performance agricultural systems, transportation networks, mobile sensor…
The Robotics project Evryon aims to design wearable robotic suits (exoskeletons) to help the elderly in restoring mobility and strength for those who lack them. These suits will be power efficient and lightweight and will be tested on elderly people to…
The Eye RHAS is a breakthrough in Dutch Robotics for vitreoretinal eye surgery. It allows the surgeon to feel the same pressures the robot enacts upon the patient, minimizing risk of injury during the surgery. The machine also replaces the steady human…
The Delft bio-robotics laboratory began developing a bipedal walking robot in 1995. This Dutch Robotics projects has resulted in the development of 12 bipedal robots, with research that can be used to improve physical rehabilitation. The latest robot…
FireSwarm- a Dutch research project- strives to develop a swarm of affordable, autonomous and small unmanned aerial vehicles that can be used to monitor and detect fire in large natural areas, specifically at the Noor-Holland dune areas.
The Dutch Robotics project IROMEC was created with the goal of functioning as a social mediator to cover all the areas that children with disabilities do normally not have access to. This will help them have new opportunities, prevent isolation and let…
The Dutch Robotics experiment ITER has the challenge of finding a way to execute maintenance for a nuclear fusion reactor by remote handling. The goal is to have a simulation environment that provides realistic force feedback to the users of a virtual…
The KSERA robotics project, is a research project about service robots for the elderly. The main goal of this project is to develop a Socially Assistive Robot that can help the elderly in their daily lives, especially people with Chronic Obstructive…
The Dutch Robotics project LOPES was designed to help people who have had a stroke regain leg function and learn to walk again. The person walks on a treadmill the robot is attached to. Although there are still bugs to be worked out, LOPES has provided…
The McArm is a Dutch Robotics project that aims aims to develop a smart dynamic arm support system to provide extra support for people without all their strength and motor functions, such as in people who have had a stroke. The McArm is a smart system…
Dutch robotics project Active Therapeutic Devices (ATD) is developing robotic devices to help people with the rehabilitation of the upper extremities without the help of a therapist, easing the burden on health care and improving the motivation of patients.
The Dutch Robotics project Mindwalker is a wearable robot "suit" designed to help disabled people walk again. Using Brain-Computer Interface technology, the exoskeleton will support the patient and trigger correct brain control signals. The end product…
The University of Twente was involved in the Dutch Robotics project MIRIAM. This robot assists with MRI scans, allowing for more detailed biopsies for prostate cancer. Using this technology in surgery lets the surgeon make difficult/delicate movements…
The Dutch robotics project "Mobile Arm Support" was aimed at helping people with limited arm and shoulder strength to regain more arm and shoulder functionality. The result was an adjustable robotics device that may help regaining some strength.
The Myopro robotics project intends to increase the functionality of the Myoelectric prosthetic by improving the brain-to-mechanism signals. This will increase the degrees of freedom in these mechanisms, improve sensory feedback and help the owner to…
The NeuroSIPE program is a cooperative program among Dutch Universities and medical centers. Their goal is to develop new tools for neurological disorders, using closed-loop system identification techniques. By addressing the CNS as a closed-loop system,…
Paro is Dutch Robotics project designed to improve the mental and physical well-being of people with dementia. Paro was developed to reduce patient stress and increase patient interaction among themselves, and to reduce the strain on health care systems.…
The PIRATE project is a Dutch robotics project designed to make it easier to inspect Dutch gas network pipelines. Tiny autonomous robots will be able to measure deformations of the tubing, as well as detect leaks. These battery-powered robots will make…
The PITON is the first steerable MRI compatible robotics instrument. This Dutch robotics project is a needle that is equipped with sensors that will pick up signals for the surrounding tissue. This will enable the robot to find the best way to administer…
The goal of the robotics project R3-Cop is to create lower cost, cutting edge autonomous robots that can work cooperatively by interconnecting multiple industries that at first glance have very little in common. It is supported by 11 European countries,…
Project Reflexleg aims to help people with prosthetic legs have more natural movement with the leg and to secure a natural connection of the leg and the prosthetic that goes in both directions. This Dutch Robotics project also hopes to make the leg work…
ROBAR is a Dutch Robotics project designed to help patients who suffered a stroke with arm rehabilitation. Robot arm support can automate treatment, allowing patients to work on their own rehabilitation. The systems have been installed in 7 different…
The goal of Robotics project RoboDidactics is getting children interested in science again. The project aims to accomplish this by increasing technological knowledge in the EU and spreading it through an international network of schools.
RoboEarth is a project involving European universities and companies like TU Eindhoven and Phillips. The goal is to pave the way for rapid advances in machine cognition and behavior, by developing a world wide web for robots so they can share and learn…
RoboShip is a sub-project of the SmartBot initiative dedicated to exploring the use of intelligent industrial robots in the shipping industry.
The Robot Techniek Lab is a Dutch robotics project designed to develop children's interest in robotics. They hope to increase the amount of students choosing a technical study by 30%. They will create an advanced robotics center to help achieve this goal.
Robot Needle Steering has the potential to increase needle control and decrease the likelihood of invasive wounds. Recent studies on robot guided needles show there are large advantages to be gained; however, there are also problems that must be worked…
Robotics endoscopy manipulation can be a significant asset to doctors. It allows them to improve the efficiency and precision of the endoscopy. The physician will use a remote control connected to the drive system of the robotic endoscope. Most doctors…
The Dutch Technical University of Delft, is working on developing a robotic arm that is a safer choice than traditional factory arms. It will mimic a human arm as closely as possible and have smart elements to optimize its performance.
The Rose project is a Dutch Robotics project that wants to develop a team of robotic sensors that can automatically acquire data about the condition of the dike system in the Netherlands. By using robots, data can be acquired more easily and accurately,…
The Ruud robot project is a Dutch Robotics mechanical weed tracer and destroyer. Although a costly solution, it is ideal for organic farmers who do not want to use pesticides to destroy Broadleaf Dock. In ideal conditions, it removes 90% of the weeds…
SInbot is a sub-project of the SmartBot initiative dedicated to exploring the use of intelligent industrial robots in production. Multiple-sensor robots introduce an autonomous function that makes their use more practical and cost effective for smaller…
The Socio Cognitive Robots project of the University of Delft studies the interactions between man and machine. The project studies everything from robotic hardware design to cognitive robot control.
The Sofie robotics project at the Dutch Eindhoven University focuses on building a robotic arm system for surgery. Unlike previous robotic arms, Sofie has haptic feedback. The surgeon can actually feel the pressure that Sofie is providing to the patient.
A two week course in robotics, Caring Robots, was developed with the goal of exploring the future of robotics in healthcare. Students focus on learning for one week, then cooperate to try and develop something new for the world of caring robots to help…
The University of Eindhoven has a robotics soccer team, Team Tech United, that participates every year in the RoboCup. The team consists of about 80 members, working together to create a winning team. Their goal is to become the world champions every…
Teleflex is a Dutch Robotics project that can improve the quality and reduce the cost of some invasive surgeries. With this robotic manipulator, only one surgeon is needed to work the endoscope instead of two. This will make surgeries easier to do and…
The Dutch Robotics project: Teleoperated Service Robot (Rose) will help elderly and disabled people in their home while being controlled elsewhere by an operator. ROSE will hopefully be ready in a few years and relieve some healthcare system stress.
The Dutch Robotics team developed TUlip, a soccer playing robot. This 1.20 meter tall robot has 14 degrees of freedom and special body armor, making it ideal for soccer. TUlip can function fully autonomously and has special sensors in its feet.
Virtual Slave software is a Dutch Robotics software project for helping a controller check for possible difficulties before actually creating a robotic arm. The hardware can be linked to simulation software, and virtual tasks can be attempted with a lifelike…
VirtuRob is a Dutch Robotics project to help alleviate the costs of health care by offering arm and hand therapy at home with robotic devices. Training at home gives patients more freedom and encourages them to keep pushing the limits. The devices reduce…
The Roessingh Rehabilitation Centre developed the Wii project to study children with Cerebral Palsy. By evaluating the effect these virtual games have on child rehabilitation for this condition, they can determine if might be a good way to keep them interested…
The Dutch robotics WikiTherapist project intends to develop software for therapists to develop and run their own easy-to-use programs for their patients. The therapist simply indicates what he/she hopes to achieve and the software does the rest.