About robots, robot development
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  • Status:
  • Unknown
  • Initiated on November 1, 2013, TRADR serves as an EU-funded project in the FP7 that builds on the experience as well as research of the NIFTi project. The four-year Integrated project aims at developing technology for the teamwork of humans and collaborative robots in order to improve disaster response efforts.

    Based on a proven-in-practice design methodology, TRADR focuses on how different kinds of robots can collaborate with human team members for exploring the environment as well as gathering physical samples.

    The collaborative effort particularly focuses on developing an understanding of the disaster site over several asynchronous missions (stable environment models). This will help team members understand the right ways of working in the area (stable multi-robot action models) while improving team-work (lasting human-robot teaming).

    The project’s use cases are based on response to medium as well as large scale industrial accidents by teams with human members as well as many ground and airborne robots.

    The TRADR consortium is coordinated by DFKI that has around twelve partners from six countries, including five universities, three research institutes, an industry partner as well as three end-user agencies along with German, Italian and Dutch representatives of fire-brigades. Around eight of these partners already enjoy successful collaboration with the NIFTi project.

  • Visit official website


  • Professional:Hostile Environment
    Search & Rescue


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