About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen


  • Status:
  • Unknown
  • The goal of many projects involving robotics is to closely reenact the way humans function. A recurring problem is the fact that for robots to function like humans, it requires complex software and finely tuned sensors. Also, the fact that these robots are often energy inefficient and heavy make the quest to create a perfect humanoid robot seem far away.

    Project Viactors, however, has come up with an alternative design approach by using actuators. These can store and release energy and function in a similar manner as human muscles do. Not only does this better mimic human movements, it also makes the robots more energy efficient and safer.

    Because of this project, the idea of actually having robots taking over dangerous jobs with the same results might finally come true in the near future. With an autonomous, humanoid, energy efficient robot complete, industries can explore new fields of interest. It may also solve some difficult earth-related issues.

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