About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen


  • Type, Locomotion:
  • Humanoid
  • Released:
  • 2008
  • ARoS

    Initially used as a test bench for human-robot interaction, the humanoid robot ARoS was developed at the University of Minho in Portugal, with help from the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST). It has evolved considerably since its inception in 2008.

    Videos of AroS show it helping a human in a simple construction task. This anthropomorphic robot’s main function involves human and robot interaction. It is capable of understanding human intentions based on common human gestures due to the mechanisms and the Hebbian principles used in its development.

    The ARoS has a static torso and its arms have a 7 DOF. Additionally, this robot can use both its hands dexterously and is equipped with a stereo vision system, allowing it to estimate the object’s coordinates and location. It also allows the robot to classify objects and human movement. With its anthropomorphic arm and dexterous hands, it can grasp and control objects just like a human would do.

    The humanoid robot is largely inspired by the idea of having helper or service robots working hand-in-hand with humans on daily tasks; however, no verbal communication actually happens. This robot is also able to correct human errors. Full implementation of ARoS and other service robots, and their integration into the performance of various jobs will mark a great leap in task perfection.


    • Helps in human tasks
    • Corrects human errors
    • Capable of speech synthesis
    • Analyzes human intentions
    • Object gripping and manipulation
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