About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen


Picture of ArtSBot Picture: IdMind
  • Type, Locomotion:
  • Wheeled
  • Released:
  • 2003
  • This wheeled robot is the result of the collaboration between world-renowned artist Leonel Moura and the Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Portugal’s IdMind. Through this partnership and their artistic efforts, they were able to come up with a painting robot that can produce artworks on its own: the ArtSBot, short for Artistic Swarm Robots.

    This painting robot is equipped with color sensors, which allows it to measure the amount of paint on the ground where it stands. It also has two different color markers. A program is installed on the ArtSBot that allows it to move from place to place and find the color it needs to use, depending on the color reading. While painting with other robots, a program that is installed on the ArtSBot helps the robots avoid each other, which prevents collisions.


    • Color Sensors
    • Can autonomously decide on its path
    • Can avoid other robot while painting
    • Wheeled






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