HAL is a cyborg-type robot developed by Cyberdyne and Tsukuba University. Equipped with powerful angle sensors for both upper and lower limbs, it enhances the physical capability of the person wearing it. It is intended to assist handicapped individuals,…
The Japanese JSK Laboratory launched the HARU Project and created the Haru robot series. This service robot has RC Servo which serves as actuators controlled by a radio.
Japanese robot Hina is a humanoid servant robot. Only 36 centimeters tall, it can still prepare and pour a cup of coffee. It does this by picking up remote control signals.
HIRO is a Japanese-developed, humanoid robot. This interactive robot can pass for human when wearing synthetic skin. HIRO is being used in the development of future robotics.
The East Japan Railway Company (JR East) created the humanoid I Robot. This robot guide has several interactive features and will be utilized at all Japanese train stations.
KoKoro Co. Ltd. developed a humanoid called I-Fairy which has a futuristic and sophisticated design. It is suited for places where regular update of information is needed.
Tomy Company developed the world's smallest humanoid robot called I-SOBOT Omnibot 17?. It has gyro-sensors for balance, infrared remote-control unit, and four modes of operation.
Sega Toys created the iDog which is a canine robot and is primarily a musical companion for people. It accepts sounds, remembers songs, composes music and dances to rhythms.
Japan’s Business Design Laboratory developed a humanoid called Ifbot. It uses its own emotions to detect emotions of people, hears their tone and words, and communicates with them.