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Care Robot Yurina

  • Released:
  • 2009
  • The Care Robot Yurina is a unique robotic breakthrough from Japan Logic Machine. It was part of the next-generation robot-manufacturing exhibition held in Japan, where it had the chance to showcase its features. Japan Logic Machine designed Yurina to be an ideal robot for the health care area.

    Just by looking at this care robot, one will have the idea that this metallic piece is very useful for the healthcare givers as well as for the patients. Although Care Robot Yurina looks like an ordinary bed, it is designed to effectively help lift, carry and transfer patients from one department to another.

    Japan Logic developed the Care Robot Yurina to be versatile in the health care setting by creating features that permit the robot to help patients do simple activities of daily life. The robot can help the patients change their diapers or even take a decent bath. It can also be used as an electric wheelchair for patients who are incapable of walking without assistance.


    • Can place the bed on a lot of different positions making other activities easier to execute
    • Capable of extending and retracting its lifting arms together with its conveyor belt allowing easy and speedy patient transfer
    • Has special rollers that are used for smooth navigation in narrow spaces
    • Capable of both touch-screen controls and voice-recognition control
    • May serve as a comfortable bed for the patients



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