About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen


Picture of Cybot Picture: EZ-Robot
  • Type, Locomotion:
  • Wheeled
  • Released:
  • 2001
  • British robotic company Real Robots created a small, three wheeled robot that is equipped with two motors found at its back helping it drive and steer. This robot is called the Cybot.

    Aiding its front is the “wheel castor”, making it possible for the cybot robot to rotate 360 degrees.

    A light sensor helps Cybot detect light levels, and can also serve as a navigation guide.

    Four ultrasonic sensors help Cybot detect any obstructions and objects that may stand on its path. These sensors send out high pitch sounds, which, when they hit an object, bounce back to the sensors. The robot processes it, allowing Cybot to evade or follow the object.


    • Light (Light Dependent Resistors) Sensor
    • Ultrasonic sensors
    • Two motors
    • Three wheels






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