About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen


Picture of Cycler Picture: David Buckley
  • Type, Locomotion:
  • Humanoid
  • Released:
  • 2002
  • Cycler

    Developed by David Buckley in 2002, Cycler is a humanoid robot with a big heart for the environment. The robot was actually developed to strengthen the environmental programs of Waste Watch. Each time the organization uses the robot in its presentations, it clearly displays the message of recycling and waste management. After the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) took over funding of the project, the Cycler unit was renamed Recycler.

    Cycler comes with five microcontrollers for its brain and nervous system. These components allow the robot to process tasks being spoken by a human. While processing what it is being told, it runs its own inbuilt personality program that makes it very lovable. It looks around and moves and flashes its eyes. It has an MP3 player that makes it a great entertainment robot companion. Amplifiers and speakers are also built within the robot, allowing it to talk.

    At present, numerous Cycler units are used to teach schoolchildren the importance of waste management and reduction, as well as the simple principles of reusing, reducing, and recycling of wastes toward environmental conservation.



    • Built-in MP3 player
    • Voice synthesis
    • Voice recognition
    • Artificial intelligence
    • Seven electric motors for movement


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