About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen

Dany Walker

  • Released:
  • 2004
  • Freie University of Berlin produced an amazing robot Dany Walker in 2004. It is a wooden leg-skeleton robot that is powered by Shadow Air Muscles. This robot is a research prototype and undergoes refinement whenever control issues are discovered.

    Dany Walker is a bipedal walking robot made of 10 low-density aluminum links. The links work with its own servo motors. Fuzzy logic is very dominant with the robot’s control method. Fuzzy algorithms make possible smooth balance control responses, as well as lateral plane control.

    The creators of Dany Walker made it a true walker, as it can skilfully walk even on inclined surfaces. This is made possible by the robot’s force sensors on its feet. They prompt the detection of the type of terrain that the robot could walk on, and appropriate motor movements get generated.


    • Bipedal walking
    • Fuzzy logic on control method
    • Terrain detection
    • Equipped with force sensors
    • PICF873 microcontroller for lateral plane movements




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