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Delivery Robot

Picture of Delivery Robot Picture: Panasonic
  • Released:
  • 2009
  • Delivery Robot

    Delivery Robot is another creation by Panasonic. This versatile healthcare robot can select and disperse medications in hospitals and other medical settings. Delivery Robot looks like a cabinet with a face on the top. This robot has, on record, ranked in the lowest percentage of devices for breaking medication ampules in the healthcare industry: 1 out of 50,000.

    Panasonic’s Delivery Robot can also navigate through the hospital without the use of guiding technology. Integrated sensors in the front and back of it allow the robot to ride elevators and avoid colliding with obstacles. Panasonic robots could be the answer to understaffed medical institutions, such as hospitals and doctors’ offices.


    • Lowest medication ampule breaking percentage: 1 out of 50,000
    • Integrated front and back ultrasonic sensors for efficient navigation through medical facilities
    • Built-in obstacle sensors for safe transfer
    • Distributes ampules into delivery trays
    • HOSPI performs autonomous delivery



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