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Dr. R.E. Cycler

Picture of Dr. R.E. Cycler Picture: Florida Robotics
  • Released:
  • 2011
  • Dr. R.E. Cycler

    In 2011, Florida Robotics launched Dr. R.E. Cycler, a consumer robot that is a very cool entertaining robot. It teaches kids the 3 Rs of waste management: reduce, reuse, and recycle.

    True to its name, Dr. R.E. Cycler helps in reducing the volume of waste. This is evident through its ability to crush aluminum cans of soda and other beverages that go into its stomach from its mouth. Some individuals who have already seen how this recycling robot functions hail it as an automated soda can squeezer, since it reduces the size of the cans to less than an inch from their original size.

    The whole process of squeezing the tin cans can be seen by users, because of the see-through glass interface of Dr. R.E. Cycler. This recycling robot gets its power from the solar energy captured by its own solar panel, enhancing its green image further and living up to its full name of being Dr. Robotic Environment Cycler.



    • Solar-powered
    • Bright LED eyes
    • Has movable arms
    • Capable of hand shaking
    • Capable of handing out flyers through its movable wrists
    • Can be wrapped to mimic well-known beverage brands





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