About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen


Picture of Eco-be! Picture: Citizen
  • Eco-Be is a miniature battle robot developed by a Watch Specialist Company, Citizen. Standing 2.5 centimeters tall and 1.8 centimeters wide, Eco-Be robot runs on mini wheels driven by a watch motor.

    This soccer robot needs a very low amount of energy which a small watch battery can easily provide. The robot is compatible with an infrared remote control.

    Eco-Be can move forward and backward, and turn left and right without any difficulty. Citizen’s soccer robot appeared at Robocup 2006 in Germany.


    • Efficiently strides on wheels to move forward and backward, and turn left and right
    • Excellent energy saving capability allows one watch battery to be enough to power it
    • Amazingly utilizes watch motors to function
    • Infrared compatibility for easier remote control



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