About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen


  • Released:
  • 2010
  • EngKey is a white, egg-shaped robot developed by Korean Institute of Science and Technology (KIST). Standing 1 meter high, EngKey is designed to facilitate teaching the English language to Korean elementary pupils.

    English teachers from other countries, like the Philippines, can have a chance to teach through the EngKey via a remote control system. With its integrated large screen and microphones, teachers can have a real-time interaction with their English Students.

    Although the screen projects only an avatar, EngKey has cameras onboard with facial detection feature. Any sudden change on the expression of the teacher will be reflected in the avatar’s expression also. EngKey moves around using its wheel-driven platform.


    • High-resolution cameras with topnotch face detection features
    • Sensitive microphones for greater audibility
    • Functions using an advanced remote control system
    • Flexibility and stability using its wheel-driven platform
    • Cool avatars displayed on the screen for better learning experience on the part of the students
    • Can dance to the beat of any music like a pro



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