Eva, more popularly known as the Health Care Robot, is a fetch and carry robot that specializes in effective and interactive communication with humans. The personal service robot has been featured on various television and radio broadcasts as well as in national news. The most well-known performance of the Eva robot was successful completion of a demo on live TV.
Eva is capable of bringing drinks around, picking up newspapers, guiding a new client around a healthcare facility’s lead department and even retrieving a physiotherapist’s client. The robot can fulfill diverse caring responsibilities. In addition to being able to drive around, EVA shows emotions as well.
Many patients want coffee, tea or have other such demands that they want to satisfy themselves. Unfortunately, patients often have to depend on others for such requirements. On the bright side, TU Delft Robotics Institute aims at offering caring support through service robots in a pleasant manner while focusing on convenient and easy ways to improve the support. The robot EVA is an important step towards achieving this goal.