About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen


Picture of Fine Picture: Tuvie
  • Type, Locomotion:
  • Wheeled
  • Released:
  • 2009
  • FINE Robot

    The FINE Robot is the acronym of First INtelligent Extinguisher, which was designed and created by Benjamin Davoult and Baptiste Lanne. This robot, as the name implies, is a very intelligent fire extinguisher robot that was made to effectively put out domestic fires, such as those that occur in small areas like homes or small offices.

    The FINE Robot can alert firemen if the fire happens and nobody is around, while it tries to put out the fire until proper authorities arrives. This robot has a build in smoke detector and can move around to pulverize the powder, which it uses to extinguish the fire.

    With a collision sensor, this robot can avoid obstacles and effectively put out the fire. Its adjustable nozzle can spew ABC powder up to four meters. This robot can independently patrol an area and is powered by a LI-Po 1000mAh battery.



    • IR Thermometer
    • Fire sensors
    • Smoke Detector
    • Rolling base and powder container
    • Collision sensors


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