About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen


Picture of G-TuneF108M Picture: SISO Lab.
  • Type, Locomotion:
  • Humanoid
  • Released:
  • 2008
  • G-TuneF108M

    Turning junk into useful objects is an endeavor of Siso Junk Studio, or Siso Lab, of Japan. In 2008, it created G-TuneF108M, a humanoid robot that had a length of wiring that could wrap around the horn of the servo axis. Its body was mainly composed of a polycarbonate frame, acrylic, PVC plate, and aluminum. It is equipped with an RPU-10 controller and Kongo gyros.

    G-TuneF108M can be considered a transformer robot, as it can morph from its container mode into a bipedal machine. It was one of the contenders in the ROBO-One 13, where it won the Ranger Award.


    • Stands 23 cm
    • Weighs 0.93 kg
    • Degrees of freedom: 17
    • Container Mode: 150x150x100mm
    • Bipedal locomotion





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