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Picture of Hom-Bot Picture: LG Robots
  • Type, Locomotion:
  • Wheeled
  • Released:
  • 2010
  • Hom-Bot by LG Robots

    Hom-Bot is a smart home robot developed by LG Robots. LG Hom-Bot is designed to have a vacuum cleaning capability and video-spying feature. Integrated with specifications a usual vacuum cleaner has, Hom-Bot can thoroughly clean floors. It has built-in dual cameras, where one views the ceiling and the other views the floor, allowing the robot the ability to do video-snooping activities as well.

    Using the Smart ThinQ technology, this robot can link itself to an Android or iPhone application, allowing a clear stream of real-time video feed from the robot. In addition, LG Hom-Bot can go into a “Patrol Mode” that can be accessed from your room or from afar, as long as the house is equipped with WiFi connectivity.

    Hom-Bot sports a nine centimeter body with a LED indicator in place near the first camera. It does its vacuum cleaning effectively by creating a map using the ceiling and floor viewing cameras. Moving on a wheel-driven platform, this smart vacuum rotates its auxiliary brushes (located in both sides), while the principal brush (located in the center) scrubs the middle area and facilitates dust absorption.

    Dust and dirt are contained inside an intact container, while the air, which is included during the process of dust absorption, is pushed through a series of filters, one of which is a HEPA filter. Hom-Bot offers a safe, clean, and air-pollution-free home.



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