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Picture of iitsii Picture: Robugtix
  • Type, Locomotion:
  • Animal, Walking
  • Released:
  • unknown
  • Utilizing eighteen servomotors, iitsii serves as an interactive platform to play with robotics. Developed by the Robugtix Company, this hexapod kit features the Bigfoot Inverse Kinematics Engine. In addition to being user-friendly and affordable, iitsii provides an interesting platform to get an idea of the world of robotics.

    Its Bigfoot Inverse Kinematics Engine powers this 3D printed robot. The engine system has an automatic system to deal with the complicated math calculations needed for taking control of multi-legged robots andthe calculations are secured in a special black box. This means, you will not have a hard time playing with robotics, even if you’re just a beginner.

    The hexapod’s frame is completely made of PCB. The robot uses wireless XBee to send and receive commands. Users will also have the option of connecting their own serial communication method by using the Rx/Tx pins that come with the robot. The Robugtix Controller can also be used to control the robot directly. In addition to the hexapod frame set, the kit comes with mechanical accessories and fasteners. Users will also get iitsii microcontroller as well as twenty servomotors.



  • Consumer:Educational
    Toy robots



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