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iMaro Series : iMaro 3

Picture ofiMaro Series : iMaro 3 Picture: Samsung
  • Type, Locomotion:
  • Humanoid
  • iMaro-3 ISR

    Following the lessons learned from the SHR-100 prototype, the Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT) pushed further in the development of the butler robot. The larger version of the prototype was known as the iMaro-3 ISR.

    The iMaro-3 ISR is now being used at the Seoul International Airport. The ISR was appended as shorthand for Intelligent Service Robot. Others refer to this Samsung robot as Daheen.

    Like its predecessors, iMaro-3 ISR rolls on its wheels with great sense of obstacle detection. It is capable of producing simple greetings, making it a great service robot that can be used in front desks and reception areas. It can roam around a designated place looking for people to whom it can extend its warm greetings.

    The collar area of iMaro-3 is pressure-sensitive; allowing it to be still on its place so its chest-implanted LCD screen can be utilized. As an assistant robot at the airport, it greatly helps passengers find the correct terminal. It also provides snapshots of the person it assists, a great feature well-liked by tourists and other picture-lovin’ people.



    • Wheel-based locomotion
    • Pre-programmed map of a place
    • Obstacle detection
    • Object recognition
    • Autonomous navigation
    • Pressure-sensitive


iMaro-3 ISR



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