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Picture of Maidroid Picture: Maidroid Lab.
  • Type, Locomotion:
  • Humanoid
  • Released:
  • 2009

    Meet Maidroid, the maid café built by Maidroid Lab in 2007, and considered to be the world’s first entertainment humanoid robot. It stands 150 centimeters tall, weighs 9.9 kilograms, and is powered by KRS-4014SHV & KRS-6003HV servos.

    It has over 10 degrees of freedom, 11 ch per finger, including one arm up; head with open mouth and eyes, and neck is three-axis 6 ch; free ankle and legs moving only one leg, hip, and knee 4 ch; and a twist of the hips and spans the whole body 37 ch.

    Due to a lack of torque, Maidroid is installed with RC servo motors to strengthen the shoulder to elbow and hip system. It also sends control signals from the PWM circuit, which can produce output of up to 64 ch.




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