About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen

Monsieur Series : Monsieur EM10A

Picture ofMonsieur Series : Monsieur EM10A Picture: Epson
  • Released:
  • 1993
  • Monsieur EM10A

    Monsieur, or “Mister” in French, is a prototype micro-robot created by Seiko Epson in 1991. It is the world’s smallest robot, as recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records in 1994. Monsieur is only 3 cubic centimeters in volume, and is installed with 98 fine mechatronic parts. Also known as EMRos (Epson Micro Robot System), the EM10A is made of polished sterling silver, like a fine piece of jewelry or a luxury watch. EM10A is equipped with two photodiode sensors in each eye that detect light to trigger forward movement. It can move between 1.8 and 14.7 millimeters per second, with a climbing capability of 12.7 centimeters, as it “rushes” toward the light. The robot operates for up to five minutes after being charged for three minutes. The charging system is its antennae, which serve as positive and negative electrodes.



    • Maintains balance with whisker-like antennae
    • Can be guided by use of light, such as a flashlight
    • Includes portable case with charger and 130-page manual
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