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and those who make it happen


Picture of Pepper Picture: Vincent Desailly - Aldebaran Robotics
  • Type, Locomotion:
  • Humanoid, Wheeled
  • Released:
  • 2014
  • Pepper is the first humanoid robot designed to live with humans and made by Aldebaran Robotics, the creator of NAO and Romeo

    The main function of Pepper is to help meet a person’s emotional needs. Pepper is social companion robot that can not only recognize you but is also able to have a conversation with you, react to your emotions, and move and live autonomously.

    Designed to understand your emotions, it understands how you feel by analyzing facial expressions combined with body language and the words you use. 

    The robot will react to your moods, using intuitive interfaces like voice, touch and emotions. To show people his thoughts, Pepper wears a monitor on his torso.  

    Features of Pepper include the ability to recognize you and to learn about you and your tastes by interacting with you making it capable of both adaptation and self-improvement.

    Currently, Pepper works at SoftBank stores, but Aldebaran aims to have him living with people.


    • He weighs around 61 lbs (28 kg) and is almost 4 feet (120 cm) of pure style;
    • 17 anti-pinch articulations that give him graceful and fluid movements
    • 3 omnidirectional wheels allow him to move around freely
    • 12 hours of battery life
    • More than 40 innovative patents
    • A 3D camera to perceive his surroundings and human activity up to 10 feet (3 m




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