About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen


Picture of POLYRO Picture: ARS Lab.
  • Type, Locomotion:
  • Humanoid
  • Released:
  • 2011
  • POLYRO is a humanoid robot developed by ARS Lab. The name POLYRO stands for oPen sOurce friendLY RObot. The humanoid bot is a do-it-yourself robot, which comes with a detailed instructional guide and assembly photos for quick building. Although considered to be an advanced robot, POLYRO can easily be built with only a basic understanding of its parts.  Soon you will create a fun robot that looks cute and cuddly.


    • Easy to build
    • Comes with an easy-to-use instruction guide
    • No need for comprehensive robot training
    • Materials include a netbook, a Kinect, and a Robot OS (ROS).


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