About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen


Picture of QB Picture: Anybots
  • Type, Locomotion:
  • Wheeled
  • Released:
  • 2010
  • QB

    In 2010, Anybots of USA successfully created a robot that can be considered the user’s personal avatar. It can be classified both as a social and telepresence robot, and it’s called QB. Since its inception, it has been part of numerous conferences, seminars and other similar events. Some persons have already used it to have their presence felt on numerous gatherings.

    QB is proud to roam around the halls of a specific location where it can socialize and interact with other people. In fact, several personalities have already used this telepresence robot to talk to event attendees as if they were physically attending themselves.

    QB is a mobile robot that glides smoothly using a combination of computer, internet and software. It brings people together and increases interaction and productivity without the need for actual travel.



    • Height: 5 ft and 9 inch
    • Weight:  32 lbs
    • Speed: 3.5 mph
    • Walks on two 12-inch wheels made of aluminum and rubber
    • Operates on an Intel Core 2 Duo CPU
    • Captures video through its 5-megapixel eye
    • Delivers captured video to a Mac-based interface (Windows-based interface soon-to-follow)
    • Sports a popping kickstand when it stops moving
    • Uses an onboard laser-range-finder-guidance system that assists it with its movements in a particular setting
    • Has several microphones to deliver and capture audio
    • Runs for six hours with the ability to run on its charging base when it senses that is low of battery






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