ALF has four legs with a large range of motion. This robotic platform can do complex moves and carry heavy payloads. ALF can walk and crawl even on tricky surfaces.
The ATF robot invented by John Risch can control a small vehicle and enable it to follow its user. This sturdy control system can “run” and even stay stable when it rains.
Aalborg University completed its first human size robot, the AAUBOT, in 2010. This humanoid has a modular design with replaceable parts. It can walk, climb stairs and sit. AAUBOT can also be used as a test bed for limbs.
The city exploring robot ACE travels through the streets of Munich mingling with people. It has laser sensors that enable it to move safely through streets. ACE makes a topographical map as it travels and uses hand gestures and speech to interact. Its…
The Armored Combat Engineer Robot (ACER) is a multifunctional wheeled robot developed to provide remote assistance in dangerous areas. It has steel armor plating and a 62 HP diesel engine. The state of Florida uses several ACERs in police and fire departments.
The humanoid robot Actroid was created by Osaka University. It has silicone skin and resembles a young Japanese child. Actroid has speech recognition software and can talk, blink, and mimic other basic human functions. It was displayed at the 2003 International…
Dodaam Systems created Aegis; a robot capable of detecting and tracking enemies. It can remotely fire its machine gun and has a targeting manual. Aegis was deployed to Iraq as support. Dodaam systems hopes the robot will ultimately provide fire power…
Aero-Blue is a service robot developed in Japan. Its purpose is to handle various food items, cook meals with soft food items and feed them to its owner. This feeding is intended to bring back happy childhood memories and enable the user to be the ultimate…
The Aerosonde is a UAV capable of obtaining various weather data. NASA and NOAA commissioned this $50,000 robot to explore the dynamics of hurricanes and send back data. The developing company hopes to use the Aerosonde to find ways of predicting hurricane…
Osaka University has developed an advanced human baby robot, named Affetto. This robot has realistic expressions and will help with studies about human cognitive development. It is a part of the JST ERATO Asada Project. Affetto can also help caregivers…
The AI Robot is a customizable entertainment robot designed to dance. It has artificial intelligence and flexible body mechanisms that allow it to groove to all different types of music. The AI Robot has been in several videos that went viral and is a…
AUDI and MIT have teamed up to create the perfect intelligent driving agent, Robot AIDA. He can respond to a driver's words and mood and make facial expressions. This robot can suggest the quickest routes with the least traffic for safer, faster travel.…
Female bot Aiko may be the future of helping disabled and elderly people with household tasks. The robot has AI software and speaks English and Japanese and has object and face recognition. It was made to be the first android that can react to physical…
The female humanoid robot AILA was developed by DFKI Bremen. She uses Semantic Product Memory for enhanced object recognition. AILA can turn and move in any direction with her six wheels. She easily grasps objects and has a RFID for scanning. AILA is…