About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen

Family Nanny Robot

  • Released:
  • 2010
  • As the robots take the world by storm, Shenyan Siasun Robot & Automation Co. Ltd. developed Family Nanny Robot. Having someone to look around your household is no longer a problem with Family Nanny Robot around.

    The Shenyang Siasun Robot & Automation Co. Ltd. has made this household robot an advantage for any homeowner. With the robot’s advanced odor detection technology, household fires due to any cause is easily detected and prevented.

    Although the Family Nanny Robot cannot call the 911 on its own, the robot is programmed to quickly send a text message to the owner should it detect smoke or gas in the air. The Family Nanny Robot is also integrated with voice detection and voice synthesis software that allow it to engage in an interesting conversation all throughout the day.

    This Chinese robot has a built-in touchscreen on its chest that can be utilized for vital signs checking. The Family Nanny Robot moves on a wheel-driven platform, making it move from place to place without any difficulty.


    • Integrated with state-of-the-art odor detection sensors that maintain a fire-free household
    • Awesome touchscreen that has amazing vital signs checking capabilities
    • Specially programmed to send text in times of emergencies like fire and gas leaks
    • High-resolution cameras for added accuracy on health check-ups
    • With built-in voice detection software that intelligently works hand-in-hand with the  microphones
    • Advanced voice synthesis feature to keep dull moments at bay
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