About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen


Picture of Q.taro Picture: Sonyaibo
  • Released:
  • 2002
  • Q.Taro

    Q.Taro stands for Quansi-stable Traveling Action RObot. It was designed by SONY Japan in 2002. Q.Taro by SONY is one of the robots which are designed to improve the human-robot relationship. SONY gave Q.Taro the nickname “healing creature”.

    This sphere-shaped consumer entertaining robot shows emotion and plays with humans using its glowing and changing lights. Its light changes color depending on its mood. Q.Taro, unlike other robots, needs no remote control to interact. Using its temperature sensors, it detects whether a human is near. It also responds to voice using voice recognition.



    • Weight: 2 lbs.
    • Diameter: 6.7 inches
    • 4 temperature sensors
    • Plastic outer shell
    • Colored ball inside shell
    • Auto-shut off
    • Ability to self-charge


Q.Taro by SONY



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