About robots, robot development
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Sand Flea

Picture of Sand Flea Picture: Boston Dynamics
  • Released:
  • unknown
  • Developed by Boston Robotics, the Sand Flea robot can drive in flat terrain just like an RC car. With a weight of around 11 pounds, Sand Flea is also capable of jumping 30 ft into the air in order to overcome potential obstacles. As a result, it has the ability to jump over compound walls, onto a roof, up a stair set or into a high window.

    Sand Flea utilizes gyro stabilization for maintaining its level during flight while getting a clear view by using its onboard camera. This ensures a smooth landing. The robot is capable of jumping around 25 times on a single charge.

    The American Army’s Rapid Equipping Force is funding the development of the robot’s current version. Previously, JIEDDO and DARPA were funding the robot’s development at Sandia National Laboratory.

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