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Roomba Series : Roomba 531

Picture ofRoomba Series : Roomba 531 Picture: iRobot
  • Type, Locomotion:
  • Wheeled
  • Released:
  • 2010
  • Roomba 531 is a vacuum-cleaning robot created in 2010 by the iRobot company of the USA. It’s an advanced consumer robot with a unique and useful design technology.

    Roomba 531 features a 3-stage cleaning process, enabling it to pick up large amounts of dirt and debris on the floor. Its Dirt Detect system allows it to find areas with heavier dirt accumulation and focus its efforts on those areas.

    It is regarded as the lowest vacuum-cleaning robot on the market with a height of only 8cm. This allows it to clean areas that are normally beyond the reach of other equipment.

    The robot is designed to work on all types of floors. It has been designed with a Cliff Detect system that allows it to avoid areas such as stairs where it can fall off. It can also conveniently free itself from the common problem of wire and cord tangles as it vacuums.

    Features of Roomba 531:

    • Height: 8 cm
    • Dirt Detect System
    • Cliff Detect System
    • Self-charging base
    • Escape behavior and anti-tangle technology
    • Cleans all floor types



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