About robots, robot development
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Salvador DaBot

Picture of Salvador DaBot Picture: EPFL
  • Type, Locomotion:
  • Humanoid
  • Released:
  • 2005
  • Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne or EPFL created a humanoid robot capable of making portraits. This Portraitist humanoid robot, which its developers call Salvador DaBot, is able to distinguish human faces and get significant characteristics from them.

    Using its baffling artistic ability, Salvador DaBot etches portraits of the person whose image is captured. This is possible through the installed software which captures images, converts them into vector art and, using inverse kinematics, the robot arm is manipulated to draw.

    To simplify, this humanoid etching robot extracts the contour of the subject from the images captured by its cameras. These contours are then converted to paths, organizing them based on their lengths. Then the images are classified into various hues of grey. Only the important features of one’s face are copied by this etching robot in order to keep the similarity between the drawing and the subject.

    Patterns and shades are then added by this artistic humanoid to make its drawing more artistic. Finally, a reverse kinematics controller is used to translate the 2D drawing into a set of angles that recreates the image.

    Salvador DaBot Features:

    • Internal Cameras
    • Motion sensors
    • Inverse kinematics controller
    • Face recognition capabilities



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