About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen

Shady Climbing Robot

  • Released:
  • 2009
  • The MIT CSAIL created a simple robot that could help them fend off the sunlight that has been bugging them at their office. Since getting blinds is quite expensive, making a robot that communicates with an operator computer using Bluetooth technology is quite reasonable.

    Currently, Shady the climbing robot is not fully autonomous. It still needs an operator to help it with the graphical structure of the windows, allowing this clinging robot to go towards it. Grippers allow this robot to cling on between the windows, and swing itself up and over where it needs to be. Once it has arrived to its designated place, it spreads out a piece of reflective material that blocks the operator from direct sunlight.

    In essence, this mobile robot climbs on the window’s aluminium frame and then unfurls its sunshade through the help of an operator, providing protection from the glare of the sun.

    Shady Features:

    • Grippers
    • Climbing robot
    • Uses Bluetooth Technology
    • Remote controlled
    • Reflective materials



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