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Picture of T8 Picture: Robugtix
  • Released:
  • unknown
  • Developed by the Robugtix Company, the bio-inspired T8 robot employs around 26 servomotors to function effectively. Its Bigfoot Inverse Kinematics Engine powers this 3D printed robot. The engine has an automatic system to deal with the complicated math calculations needed for taking control of multi-legged robots where the calculations are secured in a special black box.

    If you use this robot, you’ll only have to send easy and simple instructions to make it work. For example, you instruct the robot to walk in a desired direction with a specific speed; the engine’s automatic system will handle the details, such as inverse kinematics, motor control, leg trajectory preparation, leg gait proficiency, etc. This means, as a user, you will not have a hard time playing with robotics, even if you’re just a beginner.

    The robot uses wireless XBee to send and receive commands. Users will also have the option of connecting their individual serial communication method by using special pins that come with the robot.

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