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Picture of T8X Picture: Robugtix
  • Released:
  • unknown
  • T8X is a mass produced version of T8, developed by the Robugtix Company. Since it isn’t as expensive as the T8 version, T8X is the first choice of users seeking an affordable robot with features like T8.

    The main difference between the two robots is that T8X utilizes injection molding instead of using 3D printed parts, as in the case of T8. This manufacturing method is used for producing smooth, good quality and long-lasting parts.

    Just like the T8 robot, the Bigfoot Robotics Engine powers T8X as well. The engine has an automatic system to deal with the complicated math calculations needed for taking control of multi-legged robots where the calculations are secured in a special black box. This means, you will not have a hard time playing with robotics, even if you’re just a beginner. Apart from this, this robot is Wi-Fi enabled which creates new possibilities to control the robot while allowing the user to access the robot from anywhere.

    Other special features of the T8X robot include injection molded outer surface, script-sharing ability, communication with other T8X robots, touch sensing ability as well as an in-built battery charger. The T8X also has serial communications pins that are responsible for controlling the robot directly.



  • Consumer:Educational
    Toy robots



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