About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen

Troody (Dinosaur)

  • Type, Locomotion:
  • Animal
  • Peter Dilworth, a researcher at MIT’s Leg Lab, created a dinosaur, which is called 'the dinosaur of the future'. Troody is named after Troodon Formosus, which is a two-legged carnivorous ancient animal alive during the Cretaceous Era. Troody is capable of standing, walking, and can adjust itself when moving in different types of terrains.

    This dinosaur robot is part of the Boston based robotics laboratory’s aim to simulate and build creatures that can walk, run and jump, copying the real thing.

    Sensors and joints allow this MIT robot to make necessary adjustments it needs to balance and to be mobile. It is also equipped with an on-board computer, which receives feedback on the positions of its feet and its joints in order to guide and change the motion.

    This autonomously powered and controlled biped robot was designed to capture the attention of kids, especially those who are interested in science.

    TROODY Features:

    • Aluminium bones
    • Cameras
    • Sensors
    • Biped
    • 16 Degrees of Freedom




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